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Having a Bad Day?

We all have them, bad days, for a number of reasons, it can be because of an incident at work, due to a disagreement with a friend, family member or significant other or even because you get talked to by a supervisor or maybe there was a customer or random person who was rude to you today. Regardless of what the cause was of this horrid stress and frustration, try to stop and remember this one thing... IT'S ONE MOMENT, ONE DAY, 24HRS. Tomorrow you will start new. As adults sometimes we get so frustrated and overwhelmed that we forget to let go. It's harder for others to grasp this concept because there are a lot of people who dwell on their own thoughts or who see someone and relive previous feelings or encounters of that person or simply hold a grudge; people can be stubborn. Mastering the technique of letting go is no easy task. Here are a few simples ways to help train yourself to simply let go and start over.

Breathe! This is always the first step for me when I'm in any type of frustrating situation. Personally I just stop, don't talk, don't think, just breathe for a second. Inhale in for about 2 counts and exhale out for about 4 counts. It helps when you think of it this way; think of it as inhaling new, vital, good thoughts and exhaling old, useless, bad thoughts. Inhale peace, faith and courage; exhale stress worry and fear. Inhale Love. Exhale gratitude and frustration. Just Be. And Breathe! After I stop and breathe and exhale all that negative energy, I think. I think before I talk, before I react, before I even say anything. This can be extremely hard at times, (biting your tongue), not the easiest task but the breathing beforehand is incredibly helpful. You don't want to instantly react or say anything you may possibly regret, or perhaps something that will come back to bite you later.. especially if you're being scolded by a supervisor.

Communicate! One of the best ways to get over a bad day is to talk about it! Talk to your spouse, best friend, a family member, someone you trust. Go to happy hour, have a drink & gab session. Talking helps, even if it's just a vent session, talk to someone who you know will listen!! If you have a journal or a blog, go there and vent, write it down but, (and here's the key to letting it go).. when you vent, whether it be in a journal or verbally, you have to leave it there. Write it down and leave it there; LET IT GO. When you write or talk about it visualize it leaving your body, visualize it leaving your soul and your being. Where are my Harry Potty Fans at? Visualize it as a pensieve, like that memory is leaving your brain so it doesn't weigh you down. You are freeing yourself from it.

Be Kind. Even when it seems like there is no other way and you feel so angry all you can do is be negative, say negative things or be mean.. DON'T. Stop and do the complete opposite. We've all heard the term "kill them with kindness," do exactly that! Again, not an easy task but definitely doable, especially with practice. I guarantee more than half the time, when someone is being rude or mean, especially if it's intentional and you don't react, you ignore it, or respond nicely in a calm tone with a smile on your face, they react differently.. a lot of times, it makes them even more mad, which is fine. Let them get more mad, you keep your composure and be the bigger person.. let them be pissed off that they don't get a reaction from you. Let them embarrass themselves and you let them be negative. Don't feed into it. People who are like this feed off of their own drama and negativity and are unhappy in their own lives. Don't let them bring you down, don't stoop to their level.

It's Okay!! Know and realize it is okay! It's okay to have a bad day or bad incident. You are human! People make mistakes, things happen. It's okay to make mistakes, it's okay to have a bad day or an off day. It's okay to be less than perfect. It's okay to do what's best for you. It's ok to be yourself or stick up for yourself. These frustrations or off days happen to the best of us, DO NOT let it bring you down! Do not let anyone make you feel like you are lesser than what you are. No one knows you better than yourself and you know your skills, your ability, your talents.. you are worthy! Remind yourself of all your great qualities and push forward. Let it go and know tomorrow is a new day, a new start, a fresh start. Do not let anyone crush you or tell you you cannot or that you won't. Know that you can and you will. Show them. Believe in yourself always. Remember, new day, fresh start, move forward, do not dwell on the past, do not dwell on your own thoughts. Focus on yourself and your future endeavors. Be Happy. Always remember you have it in you to rise above whatever it is that may presently be bringing you down. 💖🙃

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